Friday, January 31, 2020

Antimony Essay Example for Free

Antimony Essay The ancient Egyptians used it as makeup and today we use it in many ways, â€Å"it† is the element antimony. Discovered by the ancients, this element serves many purposes (it is no longer used as eyeliner, like it was for them), but also has many negative effects on people and the environment. Antimony is a metalloid found in group 15. It is a silvery lustrous rock, and its standard state is a solid. It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity. Antimony has many universal applications that are meant to be beneficial to people. One of its usages is in its form of antimony trioxide, is made into a flame retardant frequently used in toys and seat covers. Of its many functions, antimony is commonly used as an alloy to make other metals stronger. It is primarily alloyed with lead to make it harder. Its alloys are frequently used in batteries and cables. It is also used in some food packaging, usually used as a catalyst in manufacturing polyethylen terephthalate. One can come in contact with antimony in many ways. Antimony is found in the environment, but found in very low levels. The majority of antimony comes from the resources humans use. The antimony used in human products increase the amount of antimony in the natural environment. There is some antimony in soil, but high concentrations of it are found in wastes sites. The most common ways antimony can enter the body is simply consuming it or breathing its dusts in. Also contact with soil with high amounts of antimony can increase unwanted exposure. Since antimony is used to produce some types of food packaging, such as plastic water bottles, consumption is much more likely than breathing it in and touching toxic soil. The use of antimony in the medical field is very scarce considering it has negative side effects. To name a few, some utilizations are, compounds of antimony are used as antiprotozoan drugs and veterinary purposes, tending to be used as a skin conditioner, which is quite ironic considering what antimony is known for doing to skin. Antimony is known for having negative health effects. Antimony as well as its compounds are known to be toxic. If one has too much exposure to antimony it can cause major health impairments. A modest exposure to antimony by breathing it in can have an effect on skin and eyes. A skin condition that one can get by contacting antimony is antimony spots. It is a rash of pustules around sweat glands. Its effect on eye health consists of ocular conjunctivitis. Extreme amounts of antimony exposure can lead to more severe effects on the heart and lungs as well as skin and eyes. And although not proven, antimony and some of its products have been linked to cancer. The only way to prevent any of the bad conditions some antimony product provide, one needs to make sure that one gets as little exposure as possible. It is impossible to steer completely clear of antimony, and it is not necessary, a little exposure will not kill a person, but too much of something is never good.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

Side Effects, Directed by Steven Soderbergh Essay -- Movie Film Analys

The film, Side Effects, is quite twisted and unnerving as it begins with the impression of the female lead, Emily Taylor, walking through pools of blood and leaving her blood stained footprints on the wood floors. Later we learn this is the murder scene. The film flashed back 3 months time. Emily was visiting her husband, Martin, who was convicted of insider trading. He was finishing his 4-year sentence and was soon to be released. Emily and her mother-in-law arrived to bring Martin home. After his release, he explains to his wife a social worker stopped by to speak with him and had given him a pamphlet on reintegrating into the community. As Martin attempted to settle back into his normal life he learned his wife had her own struggles. Martin learned Emily was severely depressed with suicidal ideation. Emily was leaving for work one morning and was driving her vehicle through the parking structure of their apartment home. She drove her vehicle into a cement wall at high speeds. She was rushed to the emergency room where it was determined this was an intentional act. She was assigned a psychiatrist, Dr. Banks. Dr. Banks learned she had dealt with depression in the past and wrote her a prescription for an anti-depressant. She pled her case to not be admitted into the psych-ward, primarily because her husband was just released from prison and does not have employment. Dr. Banks accommodates her request after she promised to take the medication as prescribed and meet with him at his office for counseling. Martin saw the suffering Emily was experiencing and told her he had a friend he met â€Å"inside† who was very intelligent and wanted to start a business when he was released. He re-assured Emily h... project with Ablixa. He however, fought back in a different way than that of Emily and Dr. Siebert. Although he had to do the harder right thing, he chose to remain a conformist and refused to attain his goals through illegitimate means. As in most movies there is a happy ending and in this case the conformist wins. In the real world however, the majority of society falls into conformity and very few move out of their subculture or move up in social class. Works Cited Cole, G., & Smith, C. (2011). Criminal Justice in America. Belmont, CA, United States of America: Wadsworth Cengage Learnig. Jezak, J. a. (n.d.). David Emile Durkheim Exploration of Durkheim's "Suicide" . Retrieved March 22, 2014, from Siegel, L. (2011). Criminology The Core. Belmont, CA, United States of America: Wadsowrth Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, January 15, 2020

Emotional Eating Essay

Emotional eating is a disorder that involves the intake of food as motivated by an individual’s emotional state instead of biological processes (Canetti, Bachar, & Berry, 2002). Even if an individual is not hungry or already full, eating still continues as response or coping mechanism for certain emotional states, usually negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, confusion, loneliness, or sadness. Emotions related to stress also cause emotional eating. The common view of emotional eating is as a temporary condition triggered by the onset of certain emotions. Commonly, this becomes a problem for people only when this has progressed to other problems such as depression or obesity. Nevertheless, the number of people experiencing emotional eating supported efforts to address the emotional problem in clinical practice. Emotional eating could also lead to serious physiological and psychological health problems if unresolved as well as comprise the possible manifestation of other underlying clinical problems. Addressing emotional eating becomes a preventive measure and solution to more serious problems. Existing interventions include psychiatric counseling and diet monitoring by a nutritionist (Field et al. , 2008). However, the treatment of emotional eating depends on individualized diagnosis (Buchanan, 2004) because of variances in the causes and manifestations of the condition in different people. Emotional eating is a disorder with environmental and psychological components. These two components explain the causes and manifestations of emotional eating and point to intervention or treatment options that should consider these two components. The environmental component of emotional eating refers to two causes of the disorder. One is social eating or the common practice of socialization around food. Social gatherings usually bond around food with people consuming more than usual to celebrate an occasion. It is also common for friends comforting each other and providing support, to eat comfort foods that are usually high in sugar. The other is the childhood habit of food as a means of expressing care or reward resulting to the development of emotionally driven attachment to food in adulthood. The celebration of every success is food, with the quantity reflecting the value of the success to the person. All situations requiring comfort also calls for food intake. (Field et al. , 2008) The psychological component revolves around stress as the trigger for emotional eating. Stress elevates the cortisol levels of individuals. Cortisol is a hormone released by the body to respond to stress through heightened mental functioning or boost of energy. However, excessive release of cortisol could cause people to crave for food. Anxiety and depression could also cause people to eat to calm themselves or to ease their discomfort. (Canetti et al. , 2002) Current and Future Research and Treatment Directions on Emotional Eating The current research on emotional eating focuses on the causes and manifestations of emotional eating to diagnose individuals, the role of personality typologies in aiding diagnosis and identifying risk groups, the consideration of gender as a ways of determining risk groups, and treatment options. One explanation for emotional eating is general dissatisfaction. A study determining the propensity to engage in emotional eating of individuals, by using Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, indicated that people placing themselves at the lower levels of the needs hierarchy have a higher propensity to eat to ease their dissatisfaction. (Timmerman & Acton, 2001) Mood association evolved as another explanation for emotional eating. Depression and negative moods have strong effects on emotional eating. The motivation for emotional eating is to experience the well-known pleasure in eating food, especially comfort foods such as sweets or junk food. Taking of midnight snacks due to the inability to sleep because of anxiety, depression and bad mood supported the association. (Bekker, van de Meerendonk, & Mollerus, 2004; Grilo & Masheb, 2004) Human ecology also emerged as a causal explanation for emotional eating. The positive factors associated to food determine emotional attachment to food in times of anxiety, depression or stress. The media also tempers people’s emotional attachment to food. (Field et al. , 2008) Research on the means of diagnosing emotional eating and other closely related eating disorders focused on personality typologies to help in identifying risk groups. People with personality disorders comprise a significant number of people diagnosed with emotional eating and other eating disorders (Picot & Lilenfeld, 2003). Individuals with low self-esteem are also more susceptible to eating disorders (Beeker et al. , 2004). Impulsiveness and thrill-seeking behaviors are also more likely to develop eating disorders with the fulfillment of cravings made to satisfy the need to experience new sensations (Grilo & Masheb, 2004). Gender, age and race are also focus of studies on risk groups for emotional eating. The study of night eating showed that men are more likely to eat food after dinner (Grilo & Masheb, 2004). Women and minority groups have greater concerns over shape and weight due to media influence and cultural norms leading to the perception of food as tempting pleasures. This leads to the attachment of comfort and pleasure to food. (Patel, Pratt, & Walcott, 2003; Ross & Wade, 2004; Vingerhoets, Nyklicek, & Denollet, 2008) There are two interlinked research trends on interventions for emotional eating. One is prevention through early detection via psychological tests. The questionnaire for eating disorders (Q-EDD) could be a diagnostic measure for emotional eating intended to apply to all eating disorders (Callahan et al. , 2003; Milos et al. , 2005). This is a general diagnostic test for all kinds of eating disorders with psychological components. The emotional eating scale (EES) remains an important specific tool in determining people susceptible to emotional eating as well as identifying the existence of concurrent disorders such as depression or personality disorders. (Palmer, 2005; Courbasson, Rizea, & Weiskopf, 2008) Interviews are important diagnostic tools in determining case history and personality factors (Callahan et al. , 2003; Palmer, 2005). The other research trend is treatment, which could be either inpatient or outpatient depending on the co-occurrence of other disorders. The goal of treatment could be the achievement of healthy weight through behavioral weight management programs, alleviation of physical complications, management of co-occurring psychological disorders through drug administration and/or psychotherapy, and ensuring non-relapse through self-help strategies (Pritts & Susman, 2003). Other interventions include anxiety and stress management, diet, exercise, and an overall healthy lifestyle for people without co-occurring psychological disorders to stop emotional eating. A number of alternative treatments exist to stop emotional eating by targeting stress such as acupuncture, relaxation exercises, and herbal medicine. (Cleary & Crafti, 2007)

Tuesday, January 7, 2020

The Increase in Crimes to Achieve the American Dream Essay

Blood-stained shoes, a meager sum of cash, and a guilty conscience: this is what Richard Hickock and Perry Smith left with from the Clutter Household on the night of November 15, 1959. Four innocent people, who could have changed the world one day, received fatal gun shot wounds and for what: a mere sum of forty dollars? Hickock and Perry committed this senseless crime as they felt it necessary to live up to the America ideals of power and money, no matter the cost. The American Dream, once thought to be the dream of a freer, better, richer, and happier life for all citizens of every rank, has now turned into a desire for quick success and financial security, regardless of the means by which people achieve it. Due to the media and changing†¦show more content†¦According to the Uniform Crime Report (UCR) done by the FBI in 2012, the number of violent crimes increased 0.7 percent from the previous year, and does not show signs of stopping (UCR 2012). In addition, studies by th e FBI in 2012 show that the murder rate stands at 4.7 murders per 100,000 people, significantly higher than most other wealthy nations (UCR 2012). Criminal historians agree that the United States far exceeds other nations in the number of crimes committed by an industrial nation. Whether people choose to commit acts of embezzlement, robbery, or homicide, people have started to look at criminality as a shortcut to success. Through time and the changing atmosphere of society, the pursuit of the American Dream has become extremely distorted and a chilling nightmare for many, as misguided people are willing to commit detestable crimes in an effort to fulfill the ‘revised’ American Dream. The American people once believed that the dream included â€Å"a land in which life should be better and richer and fuller for everyone, with opportunity for each person according to ability or achievement...regardless of fortuitous circumstances of birth or position† (Adams 2).. On ce the ideal of millions to achiever a greater life of success for all, the American Dream has now become distorted, and replaced by new immoral ideas on how to succeed. The renowned sociologist Robert Merton published his Social Structure and Anomie in 1938. In it he states that rigid adherence toShow MoreRelatedThe American Dream1183 Words   |  5 Pagesis where people from around the world come to achieve the American dream, beginning with the people that originated the dream itself - the born Americans. Success can be achieved by any and every one with endless opportunities to obtain money, success and wealth; This is the American dream. The more money you have the more successful you are. 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Today, I am going to briefly explain some of the different theories that are used to study the subject of crime and criminality. What I will be evalua ting these theories against will be small scale property crime such as theft. Anomie theory states that with the idea of the American dream and economic success that the stress created by not meeting the â€Å"American Dream† standard creates strain (Merton, 2013)Read MoreCultural Differences Vs And Robert Mertons Strain Theory1433 Words   |  6 PagesThe strain theory analyses the extent to which people are able to pursue, access and achieve success. Strain theory says that those unable to achieve success experience strain which is a disconnect between desires and aspirations along with the means to achieve these variables. There are several responses and coping strategies that are connected to strain, one being crime. The cultural messages within strain are the goals and the means. 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